Effective purpose in transnational humanitarian healthcare providers


  • Donna J. Perry, PhD, RN




global health, humanitarian, international deployment, staff education, effective purpose


Objective: To advance knowledge regarding the education and support needs of staff deployed to international settings from a US academic medical center (AMC).
Design: A qualitative approach rooted in phenomenology called, Transcendental Method for Research with Human Subjects was used. A flexible interview guide was used to guide participants into self-reflection about the decision to participate in global healthcare, educational preparation, field experiences, and return.
Setting: The study was conducted at a US AMC.
Participants: Sample size was 15 and included nurses, physicians, and therapists who had participated in disaster and/or developmental humanitarian global health deployments. Purposive sampling with a maximum variation approach was used along with snowball sampling. Sample size was determined by reaching horizonal understanding of participants.
Main outcome measures: The study sought to elicit and analyze responses from participants in an open-ended manner.
Results: Analysis revealed the following seven themes: a) the yearning to relieve suffering, b) getting ready, c) making a difference, d) bad things happening to wonderful people, e) challenging and sustaining factors, f) dialectical alienation, and g) knowing what really matters. The concept of “effective purpose” emerged from interpretation of these themes.
Conclusions: Most participants found their experiences to be beneficial and meaningful but faced challenges in the field. Knowledge and skills varied among providers. Education and support are critical for healthcare professionals who engage in transnational healthcare. Recommendations for staff preparation are provided.

Author Biography

Donna J. Perry, PhD, RN

Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts; Nurse Scientist, The Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, The Institute for Patient Care, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.


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How to Cite

Perry, PhD, RN, D. J. “Effective Purpose in Transnational Humanitarian Healthcare Providers”. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, vol. 8, no. 3, July 2013, pp. 157-68, doi:10.5055/ajdm.2013.0123.


