Decision-making in crisis management of a serious digital incident: A garbage can approach


  • Harald Fardal, PhD
  • Ann-Kristin Elstad, PhD



crisis management, decision-making, garbage can, cyber-attack, exercise, decision quality


Managing crisis challenges the ability to make numerous decisions under great uncertainty. This study address the decision-making process, and how the mix of involved individuals, prior knowledge, and available decision-makers forms the decisions made during a crisis. A large-scale exercise with a cyberattack scenario was chosen as the study’s case. The organization studied have highly skilled crisis management personnel; however, they are not used to manage a large-scale cyber-attack scenario. The garbage can model (GCM) of Organizational Choice with a few modifications is used as the analytical framework in the study.

Author Biographies

Harald Fardal, PhD

Total Defence, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Kjeller, Akershus, Norway

Ann-Kristin Elstad, PhD

Total Defence, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Kjeller, Akershus, Norway


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How to Cite

Fardal, PhD, H., and A.-K. Elstad, PhD. “Decision-Making in Crisis Management of a Serious Digital Incident: A Garbage Can Approach”. Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 18, no. 6, Nov. 2020, pp. 489-98, doi:10.5055/jem.2020.0503.