Professional responsibilities versus familial responsibilities: An examination of role conflict among first responders during the Hurricane Katrina disaster


  • Terri Adams, PhD
  • Mila Turner, MA



first responders, disaster, role conflict


In the event of a human-caused or natural disaster, the police are essential front-line first responders. The ability of police departments to provide adequate services is contingent upon critical response personnel working and functioning in an efficient manner. Currently, it is assumed that first responders will continue to work in the event of a disaster, even if they are personally impacted by the disaster to which they are expected to respond. This study examines role conflict among police officers who served as first responders during the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

Author Biographies

Terri Adams, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Howard University, Washington, DC

Mila Turner, MA

Doctorial Student, Howard University, Washington, DC


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How to Cite

Adams, PhD, T., and M. Turner, MA. “Professional Responsibilities Versus Familial Responsibilities: An Examination of Role Conflict Among First Responders During the Hurricane Katrina Disaster”. Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 12, no. 1, Jan. 2014, pp. 45-54, doi:10.5055/jem.2014.0161.